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You are invited to attend a Meeting of the Full Council on Monday 15th July 2024 at 8 p.m. at the Village Hall for the purpose of transacting the following business

Miranda Parker,  Clerk to the Council





2.  OPEN FORUM – an opportunity for residents to raise urgent matters of concern. (5 Mins)

3. Approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 17th June 2024 (1 Min) *

4. To Note the Clerk’s Report (1 Min) *



a) To Receive and Approve the financial reports* (2 mins)

b) To authorise payments of invoices (1 min)

c) To consider the grant applications from:

            ABC to read

            ARC Youth Counselling

            Citizen’s Advice

            Keep Mobile

            The Link Visiting Scheme (10 Mins) *

d) To consider the quotations for the hall flooring resealing and to approve one (3 Mins) *

e) To consider the quotations for the hall redecoration and to approve one (3 Mins) *

f) To consider the quotation for the repairs to the tennis court fence and to decide whether to accept it (3 Mins) *

g) To note that the Chair and Vice Chair of Finance will be absent from the August Planning and Finance Committee meeting, and to consider an extra date in September to consider specific Finance items, including the restructure of the charges for our amenities (5 Mins)

h) To note that the Council are now on a higher tariff band for bank charges because turnover is higher than £100k (1 Min) *


Any other Finance business at the discretion of the Chairman


7. Planning, Environment and Highways Committee

     To note the Minutes of a meeting on 1st July 2024 (1 min) *

     To consider the following Planning Applications:

241654 – Application for proposed erection of front entrance gate and boundary wall at Malabarn, Milestone Avenue (1 Min)

241669 – Application for proposed erection of front boundary wall and entrance gate at Upton Cottage, Milestone Avenue (1 Min)

To consider whether to put in an expression of interest for Solar together for one or both of our buildings (5 Mins)

To note that the Waste services team at Wokingham are going to get the clothing banks removed and will review the site to see whether it is suitable for a Salvation Army one instead (1 Min)

8. Amenities Committee

     To note the Minutes of a Meeting on 8th July 2024 (1 Min) *

     To consider what to do regarding the opening and closing of the East Park Farm car park over the summer holidays (5 Mins)

     To note the quotation for the replacement Cistermiser in the gents’ toilet in the Hall and to decide whether to accept it (2 Mins) *

9. To hear the Borough Councillors’ report (5 Mins)



a) To hear an update on the Neighbourhood Plan Progress (5 Mins)

b) To consider how to progress the playground refurbishment project at East Park Farm, including the issues of funding, planning permission, and how to get companies to tender for the work (10 mins)

c) To note the update on social media (2 Mins) *

d) To note the date for the CPR course is 17th October and to consider whether to collect donations for future upkeep (2 Mins) *

e) To note that AFC Reading have not responded to the note advising them that they should not be using the pitches on weekday evenings, and are continuing to do so, and to decide on a further course of action (4 Mins)

f) To decide what the Council will do at the fete, to decide whether to ask what the contingency plans are, and to note that the committee have been slow to respond with the paperwork requested by the assistant clerk (5 Mins)

g) To consider the proposed structure of the website as laid out in the notes and diagram, and to delegate the development of this over the summer to the clerk, the admin and media assistant and to Councillor Bray (5 Mins) *

h) To consider and approve the letter to be delivered to residents who live near the proposed site for new vegetable plots and to consider where to deliver them to, and to decide who will deliver and gather feedback (5 Mins) *

i) To note the invoice for the Sink hole has been received and the clerk has acknowledged receipt, as well as asking for confirmation on when the next scan will be done (1 Min)

k) To consider whether to support the Safety of Electric-Powered Micromobility Vehicles and Lithium Batteries Bill (2 Mins) *

l) To consider whether to set up a Youth Council and what would be expected benefits (5 Mins)

m) To decide whether to move forward with the food van idea (4 Mins)

n) To hear any follow-up on the Village Society (2 Mins)

11. To note any agenda items for the next meeting


By virtue of the confidential nature of the business to be contracted the press and public were excluded from the remainder of the meeting under Section 2 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960

12. Staffing Issues

To continue to monitor issues around communication (3 Mins)

To note the job descriptions of each member of staff to enhance understanding around what council staff are expected to do (3 Mins) *


The next meeting will be a Planning and Finance Meeting held on Monday 12th August

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