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Notice of the Exercise in Public Rights

Charvil Parish Council would like to advertise the Notice of Public Rights and Publication of the Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return. The Annual Return can be accessed Here The period for this Inspection runs from Monday 15th June to…

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Charvil Parish Council Annual Report 2020

    CHAIRMAN’S FOREWORD   Dear Parishioners,   In normal circumstances your Parish Council would be hosting a Public Meeting in the Village Hall, at which the previous year’s work and finances would be presented by each of the various…

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Notice of a Vacancy on Charvil Parish Council

CHARVIL PARISH COUNCIL NOTICE OF VACANCY IN OFFICE OF PARISH COUNCILLOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 that Jo Akeju formerly a member of the above Parish Council, has resigned.  A vacancy…

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East Park Farm Car Park to re-open

At the Charvil Parish Council meeting yesterday evening (Mon 18th May), it was decided that the Council would re-open the car park at East Park Farm in line with the Borough Council as of Wednesday 20th May. It was also…

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Covid-19 Update 13th May 2020

The latest Government advice is that people can exercise more, and will be allowed to play tennis, use cricket nets, play basketball, and other activities that allow social distancing, with family members or with one person from a different household…

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Covid-19 outbreak – local Information

The Covid-19 situation is moving very rapidly and for the latest information about WBC’s response please visit our webpage on service updates here which is being updated more than once a day. We are also updating our Facebook page constantly.…

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In line with Government advice, Charvil Parish Council has closed its playgrounds, MUGA, tennis courts and the East Park Farm car park. We are very grateful to all  those residents who are accepting of the need to take these drastic…

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Charvil Parish Council Response to the Draft Local Plan

Many residents have responded to the Wokingham Borough Council draft Local Plan Consultation and are very concerned to see the Parish Council response. The Council is very aware there are some very strong feelings on the proposed sites in Charvil.…

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Charvil Parish Council Meetings suspended

In the light of the present COVID-19 outbreak and the Government advice to Social Distance where possible, the Parish Council has taken the decision to cancel meetings up until the end of April in the first instance. There is a…

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