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Message of Condolence for HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

  Charvil Parish Council today joins the rest of the country in mourning following the death of His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh.   Charvil Parish Council Chairman, Jim Gillett, said: On behalf of the residents of Charvil and…

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Election Time in Charvil

Wokingham Borough Council are publishing the Notice of Election for the Parish Councillors of the Village and the Borough Councillor for the Ward of Charvil. NOTICE OF ELECTION Wokingham Borough Council Election of Parish Councillors for the Parish of Charvil…

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Get Ready for Local Elections

Despite all the Covid-19 restrictions, the Government is planning to go ahead with the Parish, Borough and Police and Crime Commissioner elections on May 6th. These were postponed from last May. If you are interested in standing for either the…

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East Park Farm Car Park and MUGA Closed

Charvil Parish Council took the difficult decision to close the Car Park at East Park Farm at a recent Council meeting after Covid breaches on the Sports Field and concerns that the area was becoming increasingly busy at peak times…

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News from Wokingham Borough Council

The Borough Council has asked the parishes to advertise rubbish collections, their Free Parking initiative and help for struggling families over the Christmas period. Rubbish and Recycling Collections Free Car Parking in Council Run Car Parks Shoppers in Wokingham Borough will…

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Charvil Tree Wardens Win Special Tree

Congratulations to the Charvil tree wardens who have won the right for a special anniversary tree to be planted in Charvil. To mark the 30th anniversary of tree wardens, a national competition was run to choose suitable sites for 30…

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Council Nearly up to Full Srength

It has not been an easy time of it over the last few months of Lockdown.  The Government postponed elections, when some councillors were going to stand down, so they had to resign instead. This meant there were three vacancies.…

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One More Parish Council Vacancy

Would you like to represent the views of your neighbours on the Parish Council? Are you interested in local planning applications? Do you think  local amenities could be better? Do you have Monday evenings free? If you say yes to…

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Village Warden Required

  Are you practical and enjoy DIY?   Would like to join the friendly team Who help to keep Charvil neat and tidy?   Then maybe you are the person we are looking for to fill the vacancy of litter…

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Notice of Vacancy in Office of Parish Councillor

CHARVIL PARISH COUNCIL Notice of Vacancy in Office of Parish Councillor NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 that Adrian Keward formerly a member of the above parish council, has resigned.  A vacancy…

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